bucket list

2018: Goals & Game Plans

Raise your hand if you have no idea where this year went. Between a new time zone and unlimited warm weather, my internal schedule is off. However, I do have a fresh new planner that starts on Monday, so it’s time to set some goals for 2018.

As I mentioned in the past, I’m not a big fan of resolutions. I do, however, have a few things I need to accomplish in the upcoming year.


This was on my list for last year, and I do believe I have started to simplify my life a bit, but there is more work to do. Between decluttering, finishing unpacking and getting ahold on what’s important, this will be a priority starting on January 1.

How? For once, I have a clear cut action plan thanks to Emily Ley’s “A Simplified Life.” Starting on Monday, I’ll work through my pantry (which aligns with another goal for the year), followed by my under-stairs storage and closet.

Focus on a Healthy Lifestyle

I hit a breaking point in early November. I was diagnosed with PCOS, bringing to light what I already knew – I have to take care of myself better.

How? Starting January 2, I’m going to begin Whole30. I did a quick Whole13 in November, but it quickly derailed with visitors and holidays approaching. I got a good sense of the program, though, and will be partnering with neighbors and coworkers to get ideas and support. I also downloaded the Couch to 5K app again. I haven’t signed up for an event, but I need a way to enjoy this beautiful weather while my friends and family suffer through snow and ice.

Invest in my Business

Do I have a business? Maybe. I have a blog. I have a portfolio. I have a business page on Facebook. Most importantly, I have a defined skill set that can benefit others.

How? I set a goal for myself to write 15 blog posts in 2018, in addition to signing 4 new clients. It’s a lofty goal, but a little hustle will go a long way. Plus, I already have 10 topic ideas in a note for myself on my iPhone.

Financial Freedom

Fun fact: moving cross-country isn’t cheap. I have my fair share of credit card debt, but I’m committed to clearing it out this year.

How? To start, I signed up with Trim, a bot that negotiates your bills for you. They saved me $360 over the year in a matter of hours! I am also working a second job, where all income is going directly to my bills. From a savings perspective, I’m obsessed with Digit. The app connects directly to my bank account and pulls out small amounts each day for a separate savings account. You can set goals (such as Christmas gifts or your best friends wedding), which makes it SO easy to prepare for the inevitable.

Be sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see these goals in progress, and share your goals for 2018 in the comments below!

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2017: Thoughts & Things

I’ve mentioned before that resolutions aren’t my thing. So looking ahead to 2017, I’d rather jot down some thought starters to help me get off on the right foot in the new year.

  1. Find your balance. It’s pretty bad when your masseuse, in the middle of your massage, bursts out, “Do you ever relax?!” Unfortunately, she’s right. The only time I feel truly relaxed is in yoga. My instructor, Thomas Fortel, begins every class talking about the chitta – the inner mind – and how important it is for us to keep balance between the inner body (peace) and outer body (social interaction). So for 2017, I need to work on finding my balance – in my schedule, in my home life, and most importantly, in myself.
  2. Put on some lipstick and pull yourself together. I think Elizabeth Taylor knew exactly what she was saying. As someone who wears the bare minimum when it comes to makeup, I often find myself feeling underdressed or worse, unpretty. I’m making it a goal for myself to wear lipstick at least 3x a week. Whether I’m in a slick black dress or a hoodie & jeans, a pop of color is key.
  3. I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection. Has anyone read Emily Ley‘s “Grace Not Perfection?” I’m only half way through, but girlfriend gets it. If we keep focusing on perfection, we’ll never be happy. Simplifying what we can and focusing on the key moments in life are more important than spotless floors or well-behaved puppies.
  4. Wag more, bark less. With two dogs in the house, it’s easy to get frustrated at every unexplained bark or misplaced toy, but goodness gracious do these two love us unconditionally. There isn’t a better feeling in the world than walking through the door to a wagging tail. They’ve taught me it’s okay to put down the phone, roll around on the floor, and stop to smell the roses on every trip. 
  5. You can do anything, but not everything. Amen. This is the background on my phone, work laptop and home computer. I may even get a print made to hang in my bathroom. No is not a bad word, and needs to be used more frequently as I work to free up my time for what matters most.

Do you make resolutions? Bucket lists? Let me know below in the comments!

bucket list

2016 Bucket List

‘Tis the season for resolutions, but our only resolution here at the Parks house is to check off our bucket lists! I was inspired by my dear friend Jessica over at Created Space Studios, who just knocked her 2015 bucket list out of the park, making me realize how little I accomplished in 2015. Luckily, a new dawn is rising, and I’m more determined then ever to get out of my comfort zone.

bucket list

25 in 25

Today is my 25th birthday. I’ve been alive and well for an entire quarter of a century, which seems INSANE! I’ve decided instead of following a silly Buzzfeed list of must-do’s this year, I’m going to create my own.


What 25 things do I want to complete in my 25th year?

bucket list

Goals, Resolutions and More – My 2014 Outlook

Oh, hi. Remember me? It’s only been a hot month since I’ve got around to being on this little thing called a “blog.” Seeing as it’s the final day of January (and a whopping FOUR months until the big day!), I figured it’s time to set and share some goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. 2014 is a big one – becoming a home owner and wife are no small tasks – but there are a few other things I’d like to accomplish before December 31.