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Friday Five: DogTV, Crafts and more!

I don’t like stealing ideas, but one of my favorite blogs, Living with a Boy, has a Friday Five each week, and I just love the idea of recapping my five favorite things this week, so consider the idea “borrowed!”

1. DogTV: I finally caved in and bought DogTV (channel 354 on DirecTV) for Yadi. The entire programming is made for dogs – stimulating content to keep them active as well as relaxing content for nap time! I know Andy thought I was nuts when I turned it on – there are actual voice overs saying “What a good boy! You’re such a cute dog!” – but Yadi was glued to the screen! Too bad our TV times out after 4 hours of inactivity – he could easily watch it all day while we’re at work!

2. Baseball Wreath: This is my weekend to-do. After all, baseball season is just around the corner! And let’s be honest, I don’t want to jinx the Blues into their playoff run. Let’s hope it turns out!


3. Target Threshold Windham Console Table: I’ve already got one in my house, and I can’t wait to put together the second! These tables are perfect for blank walls, behind couches and really anywhere you can fit them. Plus, right now, they’re 30% off. It’s just another way to boost your Target addiction. You’re welcome!


4. St. Patrick’s Day: March is my favorite month – after all, I was born in it – and St. Patrick’s Day is one of my favorite holidays to celebrate! I look fantastic in green (it’s a blessing for us dark haired ladies), there is plenty to do in St. Louis, and I’m required to work-from-home the day of, as my office is in the heart of the Irish community. Cheers!


5. WE HAVE A DRIVEWAY! We just can’t walk or drive on it yet, but you know, details. It’s just nice to get out of the chat rock and onto solid ground!

So here’s to the weekend, and all of the fabulous things you have going on.

Getting Personal Parks Barks

The Best Day of My Life

Two years ago, I took a rainy (see: pouring) Saturday morning drive to get a pedicure. After driving through standing water with my wipers on high, I realized I left my gift certificate on my fridge at home. Frustrated, I made the trek back home and climbed back into bed.

When we finally got up, the rain had stopped to reveal a beautiful (and hot) sun. Andy asked me, “Would you like to look at puppies today?” I had started a new job the previous Monday, so why not.

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Top 5: Reasons To Get a Dog

I feel like this post goes without saying – getting a puppy was the best thing I’ve ever done. (Sure, it’s only been 22 years of stuff, but still). Yadi is my little baby fluff ball, and unlike that adorable Windows 7 “Why We Need A Dog” commercial, I’m going to get to the heart and soul of why it’s worth the trouble, because trust me, he’s gets in a LOT of trouble (I’m still mourning my brand new sperry’s).

1. They Support Your Team: Unlike the unfortunate fellow below who’s parents turn on him, your four-legged friend will always support your team. They’ll bark at the refs for a bad call, proudly wear your team’s colors (after a little bit of nipping), and always comfort you when they lose. And yes, I just wanted to throw the video in because it’s adorable.

2. They help clean: And by clean, I mean destroy any crumb that hits your floor, couch, bed, shirt, pants, table…

3. They always offer to drive: Talk about a built in DD! You may just have to help with that whole pedal thing. Oh, and steering. And you may want to be sure to check the break. Paws tend to slip.

4. They volunteer to take those annoying calls you get: After all, wet noses were made for the “end” button.

5. They provide you with unconditional love: Regardless of what else is going on in your life, the second you walk into theirs, it’s over. You have work, friends, laundry, cooking, cleaning and more, but all they have is you. Cherish that, because no one else will tinkle out of excitement when you walk into a room.

Editors Note: No dogs were harmed in the writing of this blog.