Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 3-Day Military Diet

ALERT: This continues to be my most popular post, but I DO NOT CONDONE THIS DIET. The calorie intake is too low to be healthy. PLEASE don’t do it! If you want to lose weight, follow a diet similar to day one. 

I’m sure you guys have all seen it on Pinterest – the 3-Day Military Diet – lose up to 10lbs in 3-days! Well, I tried it.

3 Day Military DietStarting Weight: 162

Day 1: 955 Calories

Day 1 really wasn’t bad. I don’t like coffee, but I had coffee with breakfast with a sweet & low pack. Also added sweet & low to my tea at lunch, and mustard to my tuna. I had canned chicken for my meat, and ate the banana with the ice cream. The apple turned into a snack after dinner. You’re supposed to work out on this plan, so I went to Yoga for 75 minutes.

Day 2: 1205 Calories

Again, not too terrible. I love hard boiled eggs and hot dogs, so I had nothing to complain about. I did load the hot dogs with ketchup, though. Also spent 20 minutes on the elliptical and did arms (note: I love this arms plan. It’s short, but you absolutely feel it!)

Day 3: ? Calories

OKAY – I give. I had a HUGE headache all day. This is the lowest amount of food in the entire diet, and it definitely wore on me. I did breakfast and lunch, but went to happy hour with a friend for dinner.

Final Weight: 159.5

I won’t be doing this diet again. I’m using MyFitnessPal to track my food, which ALWAYS helps! I also like Fitocracy – it gives me a challenge to get more points then the last day!

Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 30 Day Shred

Happy New Year! Like many, I’ve got a resolution to kick my own ass into shape. I’ve had the Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred videos for years, but I’ve never stuck with them enough to see a real change! I finally found the actual plan (that includes the 30-Day Shred DVD as well as the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism & No More Trouble Zones DVDs), so I’m going to work that into my weekly yoga routine! How are you attacking your resolutions?

30 Day Shred

Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 10 Gym Bag Essentials

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate going to the gym. I have a gym at my office, so I can’t just come in sweats and go home disgusting. I have to be prepared to work, especially since lunch time is the least busiest time to go (and gives me no excuse not to). Packing your bag is essential! Below are my top 10 must haves, along with a few extras.


  1. A good bag: It may seem redundant, but you can’t just throw your stuff into any random bag. Make sure it’s easily identifiable (lime green with my company logo? done.), large enough for everything and has at least one compartment for smaller items.
  2. Hand Sanitizer: Maybe it’s just me, but gyms are kind of disgusting. I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to the cleaning wipes they use, so you’ll see me sneezing on the machines. Do you want that on your hands? Didn’t think so.
  3. Pony Tails: I have thick, long hair, and nothing is worse then sweaty, thick long hair!
  4. Bobby Pins: Really great for layers and wispies, but even better after your work out to turn your sweaty strands presentable.
  5. Hair Brush
  6. Deodorant: Your coworkers will thank you.
  7. A good pair of shoes: Don’t just throw your crappy pair of tennis shoes in there – you won’t use them!
  8. Dry Shampoo: Seriously – this is KEY! Spray some at your roots and under your hair (by your neck) then brush it out. Instant clean!
  9. Face Wipes: This helps you avoid a shower. (FYI – I don’t run, so don’t think i’m this disgusting sweaty mess!) Use one on your face on the back of your neck, and the other in your “sweat spots.”
  10. A Headband: To reduce the sweat around your face.

And of course, don’t forget your work out clothes or headphones – you’ve gotta have something to jam to! Personally, I’m a big fan of Songza‘s playlists – Drop-A-Beat Workout is my favorite!

What is in your gym bag?

Health + Fitness

No-Drink November Update!

Drumroll please…


Needless to say, I’m incredibly pleased with my results from No-Drink November so far!

To be fair, along with cutting the liquid calories, I have been keeping a food diary and watching what I eat, but I’ll admit to a Steak N’ Shake date (equip with cheese fries) and killer grilled cheese sandwich from Sarah’s Meltdown.

Workout Schedule (Week 1):

Thursday, 11/1: 1.25 mile walk with Yadi

Saturday, 11/3: .5 mile walk with Yadi

Tuesday, 11/6: 1 hour Yoga class

Wednesday, 11/7: 2 mile Treadmill walk.


Health + Fitness

No-Drink November

I may have made a mistake this morning. Or I may have had a revelation. Either way, it started on the scale. Sure, weighing yourself the day after a holiday is stupid, but maybe it’s the motivation I needed.

I’m a firm believer in looks over numbers, so when I saw a few unflattering shots pop up, it made me question the other.


I don’t admit my weight to many people (except the entire internet, I guess), but I’m disgusted with myself. Sure, I haven’t been working out a lot, and I haven’t really paid any attention to what I’m eating, but one of my goals with moving home was to LOSE weight, not gain it.

So, today, as blog as my witness, I will begin No Drink November.


  • No soda (diet included!)
  • No tea or coffee
  • No energy drinks
  • No alcohol (OK – I know Thanksgiving is at the end of the month. If you need a drink to survive your family, just wait until then!)
  • Flavored water is fine (I’ll be making Sassy Water!)

This is not going to be easy – I very rarely walk out of my house without a Gold Peak Green Tea in hand, and I’m just as guilty as everyone else with enjoying a glass of wine or few beers at happy hour. However, it’s what I need to do to feel better about myself.

In addition, I’m going to keep a food diary. Not a calorie count or carb count, but just a drill down of what I’ve ate throughout the day. Hopefully this will help me narrow in on what has changed.

I’ll post an update on Nov. 14, two weeks to the start day. Wish me luck!