Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 30 Day Shred

Happy New Year! Like many, I’ve got a resolution to kick my own ass into shape. I’ve had the Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred videos for years, but I’ve never stuck with them enough to see a real change! I finally found the actual plan (that includes the 30-Day Shred DVD as well as the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism & No More Trouble Zones DVDs), so I’m going to work that into my weekly yoga routine! How are you attacking your resolutions?

30 Day Shred

Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 10 Gym Bag Essentials

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate going to the gym. I have a gym at my office, so I can’t just come in sweats and go home disgusting. I have to be prepared to work, especially since lunch time is the least busiest time to go (and gives me no excuse not to). Packing your bag is essential! Below are my top 10 must haves, along with a few extras.


  1. A good bag: It may seem redundant, but you can’t just throw your stuff into any random bag. Make sure it’s easily identifiable (lime green with my company logo? done.), large enough for everything and has at least one compartment for smaller items.
  2. Hand Sanitizer: Maybe it’s just me, but gyms are kind of disgusting. I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to the cleaning wipes they use, so you’ll see me sneezing on the machines. Do you want that on your hands? Didn’t think so.
  3. Pony Tails: I have thick, long hair, and nothing is worse then sweaty, thick long hair!
  4. Bobby Pins: Really great for layers and wispies, but even better after your work out to turn your sweaty strands presentable.
  5. Hair Brush
  6. Deodorant: Your coworkers will thank you.
  7. A good pair of shoes: Don’t just throw your crappy pair of tennis shoes in there – you won’t use them!
  8. Dry Shampoo: Seriously – this is KEY! Spray some at your roots and under your hair (by your neck) then brush it out. Instant clean!
  9. Face Wipes: This helps you avoid a shower. (FYI – I don’t run, so don’t think i’m this disgusting sweaty mess!) Use one on your face on the back of your neck, and the other in your “sweat spots.”
  10. A Headband: To reduce the sweat around your face.

And of course, don’t forget your work out clothes or headphones – you’ve gotta have something to jam to! Personally, I’m a big fan of Songza‘s playlists – Drop-A-Beat Workout is my favorite!

What is in your gym bag?

Health + Fitness

No-Drink November Update!

Drumroll please…


Needless to say, I’m incredibly pleased with my results from No-Drink November so far!

To be fair, along with cutting the liquid calories, I have been keeping a food diary and watching what I eat, but I’ll admit to a Steak N’ Shake date (equip with cheese fries) and killer grilled cheese sandwich from Sarah’s Meltdown.

Workout Schedule (Week 1):

Thursday, 11/1: 1.25 mile walk with Yadi

Saturday, 11/3: .5 mile walk with Yadi

Tuesday, 11/6: 1 hour Yoga class

Wednesday, 11/7: 2 mile Treadmill walk.


Health + Fitness

Skinny Wrap Party!

I’ll admit – I’ve been a bit lazy over the past few weeks with Operation Skinny.

Weigh In 9/17/12: 164.5

But, last night I attended a Wrap Party – you know, those toxic releasing wraps you put on your belly, thigh, etc.? I went in pretty hesitant, but after watching someone else do it, I figured why the hell not.

Sarah, our host, was super helpful in explaining how it all worked. The Ultimate Body Applicator is a non-woven cloth wrap that has been infused with a powerful, botanically-based formula to deliver maximum tightening, toning, and firming results where applied to the skin. She took my measurements (see below), photos, and began to place the wrap on my belly. Fair warning – it’s cold! It feels like you’ve just applied Icy Hot that never gets hot. After the wrap was in place, she used saran wrap to hold it in place so I could move around, which I still didn’t. It kind of felt like I had a back brace on!

As we waited for the magic to happen, Sarah explained a few of the other products It Works! sells, including a delicious chocolate protein shake (mixed with peanut butter and banana). The product line is pretty awesome – a bit expensive, but it seems to work.

45 minutes later, we removed my wrap and remeasured. Overall (waist, naval and hips), I was down 2 1/2 inches! The wrap is said to work for the next 72 hours as long as you continue to drink water, lay off sugary sweets (it’s killing me to not have green tea!) and eat reasonably healthy (that may not happen tonight – it’s date night, and fried provel might be involved. i cannot say no to fried provel).

I’ll post my updates via Twitter for the next three days, and be sure to check back for the before and after photos.


Waist: 30 3/4
Naval: 35
Hips: 39 1/2


Waist: 30 1/2
Naval: 34
Hips: 38 1/4

Want to buy your own? Click here! 

Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: Week 1

First and foremost, I have to share my superstar pooch, Badger Dog Yadi, who made Caesar Milan’s Facebook page this past week.

My little bad boy is a celebrity. 🙂

WEEK 1 RESULTS: -2.5 lbs!

I only was able to use the DB Goddess for two and a half days due to illness, but I’m pretty pleased with the results, especially since I spent Saturday drinking with the girls! I did walk Yadi twice for a total of 3.4 miles, as well as 20 minutes on the cross trainer. This week should see the full dosage, as well as an additional workout. I couldn’t quite handle the whole 6-meals-a-day thing, but I’ve been trying to get in 4. It’s about time for me to make some more Egg Salad – that and my Protein Shakes have been my top fillers!

What do you eat when trying to lose weight?