Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 30 Day Shred

Happy New Year! Like many, I’ve got a resolution to kick my own ass into shape. I’ve had the Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred videos for years, but I’ve never stuck with them enough to see a real change! I finally found the actual plan (that includes the 30-Day Shred DVD as well as the Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism & No More Trouble Zones DVDs), so I’m going to work that into my weekly yoga routine! How are you attacking your resolutions?

30 Day Shred

Health + Fitness

Operation Skinny: 10 Gym Bag Essentials

I don’t know about you guys, but I hate going to the gym. I have a gym at my office, so I can’t just come in sweats and go home disgusting. I have to be prepared to work, especially since lunch time is the least busiest time to go (and gives me no excuse not to). Packing your bag is essential! Below are my top 10 must haves, along with a few extras.


  1. A good bag: It may seem redundant, but you can’t just throw your stuff into any random bag. Make sure it’s easily identifiable (lime green with my company logo? done.), large enough for everything and has at least one compartment for smaller items.
  2. Hand Sanitizer: Maybe it’s just me, but gyms are kind of disgusting. I’m pretty sure I’m allergic to the cleaning wipes they use, so you’ll see me sneezing on the machines. Do you want that on your hands? Didn’t think so.
  3. Pony Tails: I have thick, long hair, and nothing is worse then sweaty, thick long hair!
  4. Bobby Pins: Really great for layers and wispies, but even better after your work out to turn your sweaty strands presentable.
  5. Hair Brush
  6. Deodorant: Your coworkers will thank you.
  7. A good pair of shoes: Don’t just throw your crappy pair of tennis shoes in there – you won’t use them!
  8. Dry Shampoo: Seriously – this is KEY! Spray some at your roots and under your hair (by your neck) then brush it out. Instant clean!
  9. Face Wipes: This helps you avoid a shower. (FYI – I don’t run, so don’t think i’m this disgusting sweaty mess!) Use one on your face on the back of your neck, and the other in your “sweat spots.”
  10. A Headband: To reduce the sweat around your face.

And of course, don’t forget your work out clothes or headphones – you’ve gotta have something to jam to! Personally, I’m a big fan of Songza‘s playlists – Drop-A-Beat Workout is my favorite!

What is in your gym bag?

Health + Fitness

The Color Run: Training Schedule

After a lovely vacation to Florida this past weekend, I quickly realized something: The Color Run 5K is in 8 weeks, and I am nowhere close to running 3.1 miles! Hell, I’m not sure I could run 1 mile right now! So, starting this evening, my training begins!

 Yippee! I’m trying a different Couch to 5K app this time (from, and starting on week 2 (since I had a little bit of training before!) As far as weight training, I’m going to stick with the Tone It Up Lean Legs Pyramid:

And the Flirty Girl Fitness arms work out video.

I’m keeping a food log over at my Tumblr account, as well as using the Lose It app to track my weight.

Have you ran a 5K? What tips would you share? 

Health + Fitness

Kickass April Update!

so, it’s the third week of april and i need to share with you an update on my Kickass April progress!

OK, OK…I took a week off. I also didn’t stop sneezing during said week, and the Blues won the first round of the playoffs. SO SHOOT ME.

BUT – I am picking myself back up again and doing it right this time! Because after all, the scale does not mean everything. So, I will be taking measurements as well as keeping a food log over on my new tumblr page (another social media network, i know.) Feel free to follow my progress there!

Health + Fitness

Getting Back Into Shape

I’m tired of being lazy. After spending hours on Pinterest (clearly the best work out ever), I’ve developed my April work out plan.

Never doubt my organization again. But really, this is a combination of the #KickAssApril workout from The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, the Couch to 5K plan, and an article from Women’s Health Magazine, which you’ll find below.

Throughout the month, you’ll be updated at my progress, as well as any delicious, healthy recipes I find along the way (which I gladly accept suggestions!) It’s time to step up and get back into shape for me, and maybe I can help motivate you along the way. After all, you’re my motivation. It’d be pretty embarrassing to post this and then completely fail, right? 🙂