
Wedding Wednesday: Inspiration

Pinterest is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? It’s a bit addicting, but you really can find some gorgeous wedding inspiration, like these below: (Do they have anything to do with Parks Party of 2? Wait and see!) 


Nom Nom Nom: M&M Bars

For someone with 647 food-related Pinterest pins, you would think I cook more often. Unfortunately, I do not have the time or resources to become a master chef/baker just yet, but I’m still going to try. I made these M&M bars last weekend for my boyfriend’s family Thanksgiving/game night, and let’s just say they we’re half way gone before the rest of the family arrived.

M&M Bars (adapted from Fantastic Family Favorites)


2 1/8 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 & 1/2 stick butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 large egg
1 large egg white (the original said one egg yolk – i can’t read, and it tasted great)
2 tsps vanilla extract
1 12oz bag M&M’s, divided in half

1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Line a 9X13-inch baking pan with foil, letting the excess hang over the edges of the pan by about 1 inch so you can grab those edges and pull the bars from the pan after they have baked. Spray the foil-lined pan with nonstick cooking spray. FYI – foil lining is gods gift to baking, because clean up was a BREEZE!

2. Mix the flour, salt, and baking soda together in medium bowl; set aside. Whisk the melted butter and sugars in a large bowl until combined. Add the egg, egg white and vanilla and mix well. Using a rubber spatula, fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture until you can’t find any more dry ingredients. Fold in 1 cup of M&M’s and turn the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing the top with the spatula. Sprinkle remaining M&M’s on top and press in slightly.

3. Bake until the top of the bars is light golden brown, slightly firm to the touch, and edges start pulling away from sides of pan, (mine took 26 minutes, but check after 24). Cool on a wire rack to room temperature. Remove the bars from the pan by lifting the foil overhang, cut into squares and serve.

And magic – super soft, chewy M&M bars! They reminded me of Schnucks’ sugar M&M cookies (which are delicious!)

You could definitely use Reese’s Pieces instead of M&Ms. I would even be interested to try it with the Pretzel M&Ms!

Parks Picks

Top 5: Things Guys Don’t Understand

Jenna Marbles is a female god. If you haven’t watched her videos, just get off my blog. JK – but really, watch the below videos for my inspiration.

NOTE: I am basing this off of things the men in MY life don’t understand. (Sorry Andy!) Feel free to add your own in the comments.

1. Hobby Lobby: I could craft 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if I had the budget and time. Girls want things to look GOOD – i.e. why we buy insane amounts of clothing and take two hours to get ready. This means we will spend 3-4 hours wandering through a Hobby Lobby, debating over the perfect shade of rose and the perfect size pumpkin. As Andy says, Hobby Lobby is my Bass Pro/Golf Discount/ETC. Just remember that.

2. Planning: Yes, I keep a planner, physical calendar, digital calendar and notes around. I will absolutely plan out our weekend plans by Monday, and you can bet I’ve had a three week notice of your family party. I know exactly when that game, birthday or movie release is, and I’ve already talked to my other female planner friends to involve their boys, too. Someone has to keep everything in line.

3. The Bachelor/Bachelorette: You have fantasy sports teams, we have Bachelor brackets. And yes, we absolutely get too involved with the characters, develop a deep hatred for bitchy girls and fall into mad showmances with rich, damaged guys with six packs, and cry when they don’t get a rose. Most of this is due to the copious amounts of wine we drink during the two-hour show.

4. Pinterest: Is it safe to say that Pinterest is female porn? It’s like once you get your first look, you’ll never stop going back. So what if I have been planning our wedding long before you even consider an engagement. Maybe I do have a thousand work out plans I’ll never try. So I started my Christmas List six months early, no big deal. As long as I keep putting delicious food on the table, keep your mouth shut – don’t act like you don’t know where I got those recipes.

5. Target: I mean, seriously. I have never gone into Target and only bought what I came for. The place screams “buy me.” Of course I needed two new tanks, a pair of shoes I’ll never wear, three new nail polishes, throw pillows, and a kitchen gadget I can’t even pronounce. At least I get 5% off with my RedCard – that makes it ALL better, right?

Health + Fitness

Kickass April Update!

so, it’s the third week of april and i need to share with you an update on my Kickass April progress!

OK, OK…I took a week off. I also didn’t stop sneezing during said week, and the Blues won the first round of the playoffs. SO SHOOT ME.

BUT – I am picking myself back up again and doing it right this time! Because after all, the scale does not mean everything. So, I will be taking measurements as well as keeping a food log over on my new tumblr page (another social media network, i know.) Feel free to follow my progress there!

Health + Fitness

Getting Back Into Shape

I’m tired of being lazy. After spending hours on Pinterest (clearly the best work out ever), I’ve developed my April work out plan.

Never doubt my organization again. But really, this is a combination of the #KickAssApril workout from The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, the Couch to 5K plan, and an article from Women’s Health Magazine, which you’ll find below.

Throughout the month, you’ll be updated at my progress, as well as any delicious, healthy recipes I find along the way (which I gladly accept suggestions!) It’s time to step up and get back into shape for me, and maybe I can help motivate you along the way. After all, you’re my motivation. It’d be pretty embarrassing to post this and then completely fail, right? 🙂